“I, with a deeper instinct, choose a man who compels my strength, who makes enormous demands on me, who does not doubt my courage or my toughness, who does not believe me naive or innocent, who has the courage to treat me like a woman.”
- Anais Nin, US (French-born) author & diarist (1903 - 1977)
I am not a submissive.
I used to think I was. I used to think I needed to be a submissive, but what I really need is to submit to one man "who compels my strength, who makes enormous demands on me..."
Shepherd says it this way, and it makes sense to me:
"There is a difference between needing to serve somebody and finding someone you wish to serve."
-Sir Lostpup Grey Shepherd
The thing that I love and seek in a power exchange dynamic is the reality that something, someone in my life is immovable, strong, demanding. I am a strong and intelligent woman, independent, determined. I don't have an overwhelming need to serve others, I do not have an urgent need to please others. But in my life, I have always sought a strength that exceeds my own. I need to submit. In that submission, I will serve someone by choice and desire, but not out of need.
From the time I was a child, I never knew a man who took the dominant role in a relationship. I am loved by two fathers. They are both submissive. Let me stop here, and say that submissiveness is not a bad trait. It is neither bad nor good. It simply is. My fathers are happy being submissive. It is how they choose to express their love and devotion to their wives and children. I admire and love them for it. Both of my husbands, are/were submissive, much like my fathers. By choice, they act and did act in ways to please the dominant personality in their relationships -- me. I am not complaining. I need and want my husband to be that person, it makes him happy, and it makes me happy.
But I also need a strength under which I can submit.
"I do not want to be the leader. I refuse to be the leader. I want to live darkly and richly in my femaleness. I want a man lying over me, always over me. His will, his pleasure, his desire, his life, his work, his sexuality the touchstone, the command, my pivot. I don't mind working, holding my ground intellectually, artistically; but as a woman, oh, God, as a woman I want to be dominated. I don't mind being told to stand on my own feet, not to cling -- all that I am capable of doing -- but I am going to be pursued, fucked, possessed by the will of a male at his time, his bidding."
- Anais Nin, US (French-born) author & diarist (1903 - 1977)
From the time I was a child, I never knew a man who took the dominant role in a relationship. I am loved by two fathers. They are both submissive. Let me stop here, and say that submissiveness is not a bad trait. It is neither bad nor good. It simply is. My fathers are happy being submissive. It is how they choose to express their love and devotion to their wives and children. I admire and love them for it. Both of my husbands, are/were submissive, much like my fathers. By choice, they act and did act in ways to please the dominant personality in their relationships -- me. I am not complaining. I need and want my husband to be that person, it makes him happy, and it makes me happy.
But I also need a strength under which I can submit.
I want to push against a wall and find it immovable
I want to pound and find it solid
I want to know that I can’t win
I want to fight with all my might, and lose,
I want to kick and scream and stamp my foot
and find that it won’t work.
I want to know that I will not be pushed away,
will not be rejected, abandoned, screaming silently in the night.
but who will be the wall
who will stand firm
who will hold me til it’s over
and still be there?
Alice, quoted by Poppy St. Vincent, in her post 'The Fear and Loving in Everwhere'
You see, I am messy. It is who I am. I am emotional, and passionate, and impulsive, and creative, and reckless. I want to explore, to learn, to experience, to live! I am impatient, and immature and hungry. I can be an adult. I can be responsible and reserved, I can lead and control. But there is in me a girl, a bird, a poet, that wants to fly headlong into tomorrow, hair tangling in the wind and heart pounding in my ears.... driven and undisciplined.
"Without discipline, there's no life at all."
-Katharine Hepburn
Yet, I require discipline. I am like a falcon needing a falconer to tether me, teach me, protect me and let me fly. I need the structure, the boundaries, and the reassurance that I am "owned, taken, safe, wanted...someone's so much that even I am second to them." Those too are Shepherd's words. He is wise. He is right.
I have found that falconer. He has a strength of character that moves my heart, and makes me want to please him. He is my immovable wall, firm and resolute. He is the strength to which I can submit myself, and he loves me. He sees me, body, heart and soul --- all of me. He knows the woman, the girl, the hunter, the prey, the poet, the explorer, the child. He celebrates me, and wants to take responsibility for my well being, my growth, my submission.
I have found someone I wish to serve. By his definition, and now by mine... I have a slave-heart.
"To be completely woman you need a Master, and in him a compass for your life. You need a man you can look up to and respect. If you dethrone him, it's no wonder that you are discontented, and discontented women are not loved for long."
-Marlene Dietrich, quoted by Master Obsidian's slave, namaste in her post Humbled Females: Reclaiming the Feminine Mystique
I have found that falconer. He has a strength of character that moves my heart, and makes me want to please him. He is my immovable wall, firm and resolute. He is the strength to which I can submit myself, and he loves me. He sees me, body, heart and soul --- all of me. He knows the woman, the girl, the hunter, the prey, the poet, the explorer, the child. He celebrates me, and wants to take responsibility for my well being, my growth, my submission.
I have found someone I wish to serve. By his definition, and now by mine... I have a slave-heart.
"If you are a slave, it is what your heart said. You did not get a vote."
-Sir Lostpup Grey Shepherd
The journey ahead frightens me. It will not be easy. I have already shown my ability to panic, to push and fight and frustrate. I have suffered consequences that I both hated and deserved. I have been called to account, and instructed to stretch and grow. I was not rejected, not abandoned for being too much. He is still here. He did not move, did not leave. I am still here, still wanted and loved. I have been shown a bar that is higher than what I have yet attained. He sees my potential, and wants to see me reach it, so the bar can be raised yet again. He believes in me.
"When [one who submits] enters into a journey with a Dominant, she is never quite sure of the path He will choose and the challenges she will face. The dance is first and foremost a dance of trust. Given this most precious element, she knows there is no limit to the places she will go under His hand. This is true only because He cherishes her and will not take her places she cannot go …"
-Fringe of Darkness tumblr
I trust him. I choose him. I submit to him.
I belong to Him.